Upcoming: Calculated fields on client side

Documentation has moved here Sometimes there is need for automatically calculating values based on other values. Yes, we can use calculated fields (SQL) on serverside to do so. In some cases I’d like to calculate and show already on client side in Detail View. Next version of our AppGini Helper Javascript Library will have simple functions for auto-calculating values of fields based on values of other fields while editing. Please note The features shown here will be part of next version of AppGiniHelper Javascript Library, not current version. Next version will be published in 2022. Check out this sample project: …

Quickie: Modify Download Button

File-upload fields are one of many great features of AppGini-generated apps. In Table View (TV) and also in tables of children tabs in Detail View (DV) AppGini renders larger download buttons with blue default icon and no text, by default: In one of my projects, I wanted to change the appearance of that download button so that it matches the “Open” button (to the left of it) better, visually, and also add a caption for better usability. Example Default AppGini automatically renders a larger button with blue text-color (depending on your theme). Modified download button Same height as “open” button …

React to input field changes and change page title of Detail View

Here I will briefly show how you can react to <input/> field changes and modify the title of the detail view page. I assume that you have already integrated AppGiniHelper Javascript Library into your project. In an example project I have the following three fields: first_name middle_names last_name The Detail View looks like this by default: First I create a Javascript file for Detail View hooks. Because the table is called contacts, the javascript file must be called contacts-dv.js and must be located in the hooks directory. I need a function for getting the current values of those three fields …

Remove buttons (5.9x)

In latest AppGini there are additional features like CSV-Import and keyboard shortcuts. For those there are new buttons in the navbar, which somehow break the inline-buttons user interface. You can get rid of them with a couple of useful new functions

Styling a Table View: a step-by-step example

After we took care of the styling of the Detail View last time, today I will adapt the corresponding Table View. Initial situation Remove links First I would like to remove the links so that the values in the table are shown as text, not as a link. I could and should have done this already during modelling, but I did not. So I have to do it in AppGini – field by field. Then save and regenerate. Except the file link (download) there are now only values in the table. If I want to open a record, I need …

Styling a Detail View: a step-by-step example

Today I am going to take you on a trip from a default, generated detail view to a UI-modified detail view using the latest version of our AppGini Helper Javascript Library (which is 2020/10/26). Follow me! Start This is the default generated attachments detail view form (DV) with a couple of fields for uploading PDF files: Schema I’m using the following data model for this attachments table: attachments idprimary key task_idlookup tasks-table filefield for uploading pdf files filenamewill be filled automatically on insert descriptiontextare for descibing or tagging this file created_on created_by modified_on modified_by Create hooks file Create a new …