Our brand new PHP library allows you to append various, self-refreshing indicators to your navbar and to control the output by using PHP hooks.
User Interface (UI)
Customizable indicators in top navbar

Automatically wraps on smaller screens

Use cases
Here are some use cases which can give benefit to your application and to your users
- Show number of tasks assigned to current user
- Show number of incoming messages
- Show number of open orders
- Show sales totals per day
- Show number of open issues
- Show working time of current user
- and so much more
Initial configuration of indicators with just a few lines of PHP code
- Easy to understand code for appending one or more indicators
- Configurable interval (in seconds) per indicator
- Each indicator will be displayed when page loads
- If configured, each indicator will be periodically reloaded automatically
- Four different modes
- Reoad every n seconds (
) - Reload every n seconds if browser (-tab) is
- Reload every n seconds if browser (-tab) is
- Load
(on page-load)
- Reoad every n seconds (
- No Javascript required
The browser will periodically reload information from the server per indicator and update the navbar-indicators automatically.
- Change text / value
- Change icon (Glyphicon)
- Change coloured bullet
red, yellow, green, orange, black, white, blue, purple, pink - Conditionally hide/show indicators
- Tooltip on mouseover
- Indicators can act as a link
for example for loading the tasks-page showing tasks of current user - No Javascript required
You can use CSS to modify the style, for example change background-color or border of indicators. You can even change the style during auto-reload and for active/inactive indicators separately.
Initialize library
Just one command for initialization of our new PHP library.
<!-- file: hooks/header-extras.php --> <?php AppGiniHelperIndicators::init();
This init-command belongs in hooks/header-extras.php
Initialize indicators
Configure various indicators in indicator_loader()
// file: hooks/__global.php function indicator_loader($context) { return [ $context->create("num_tasks")->updateEvery(30)->whenActive(), $context->create("num_messages")->updateEvery(30)->whenActive(), $context->create("date")->updateEvery(60), $context->create("time")->updateEvery(5), ]; }
This belongs in hooks/__global.php
Return information
Return values per indicator in indicator_handler()
// file: hooks/__global.php function indicator_handler($context, &$indicator) { switch ($indicator->name) { case 'date': $indicator->value = date("d.m.Y"); $indicator->tooltip = date("l, d.m.Y"); $indicator->icon = "calendar"; break; case 'time': $indicator->value = date("H:i"); $indicator->icon = "time"; break; case 'num_tasks': // Please note: This is just an example reading from // a table named "tasks". $indicator->value = $context->getRecordCount("tasks", true, "id NOT IN (1, 5)"); $indicator->href = "tasks_view.php"; $indicator->icon = "copy"; $indicator->tooltip = "Number of all open tasks"; break; case 'num_messages': // Please note: This is just an example // reading values from a table named "messages" $e=null; $indicator->value = sqlValue("SELECT count(*) FROM messages", $e); $indicator->icon = "envelope"; $indicator->visible = $indicator->value > 0; $indicator->bullet = AppGiniHelperIndicatorBullets::Blue; $indicator->tooltip = "Number of messages"; break; } return TRUE; }
This belongs in hooks/__global.php
Optional CSS-styling
.indicator { border-bottom: 1px solid gray !important; } .indicator-loading { border-bottom: 1px solid white !important; filter: blur(1px); } .autorefresh-on { border-bottom-color: silver; background-color: rgba(128,128,128,0.2); } .autorefresh-off { filter: blur(1px); }
Custom CSS basics:
You can put the CSS statements given above right inside a <style>...</style>
-tag and put it in hooks/header-extras.php
Or you can create a new css-file, put the content given above there, save it and include this file as <link>
-tag in hooks/header-extras.php

Fully integrated with AppGini applications
As this is a serverside PHP library, you can use all known PHP functions, for example return values depending on the currently logged in user or group.
There is more built-in, for example hiding indicators on small devices or automatically calling javascript functions when values have changed. This library can give so much more benefit to you!
Pricing & Purchase
All pricing information for our products along with discounts are available in our shop.