Available since in April 2020.
See also:
Table of Contents
Default dropdown style
This is how dropdowns/lookups look by default. As you can see there is a gap between the buttons and the style of the dropdown (having a gradient background) looks differently in comparison to other controls.

Modified dropdown style
With a single line of code you will be able to align the buttons, adjust the look, remove the gaps and even change icons.
new AppGiniField("partner_id").dropdown().fix("pencil", "plus");

(1) Remove gaps and align buttons
// file: hooks/TABLENAME-dv.js // single field: beautify new AppGiniField("partner_id").dropdown().fix();

(2) Change Icons
// file: hooks/TABLENAME-dv.js // single field: beautify + change icons new AppGiniField("partner_id").dropdown().fix("pencil", "asterisk");

(3) Remove (green) variation
// file: hooks/TABLENAME-dv.js // single field, beautify + change icons + remove variation new AppGiniField("partner_id").dropdown().fix("search", "plus", true);

Read more about glyphicons here.
See also
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