Note the custom buttons in first column of every row.

// file: hooks/patients-tv.js jQuery(function () { var tv = AppGiniHelper.TV; tv.addButton(function (id, data) { console.log(id); console.log(data); alert("User clicked #" + id); }, "flash", "My function"); // "flash" is the name of the glyphicon // "My function" is the button text });
Instead of executing Javascript function you can also add links. See here.
AppGiniHelper.TV.addButton(callback, icon, text, variation, onBeforeRender);
- Before 2021/07
function (id) { /* your code here */ }
parameter: primary key of that row - Since 2021/07
function (id, data) { /* your code here */ }
parameter: primary key of that row2nd
parameter: data of that row (as strings)
- Before 2021/07
optional, string, eg. "cog", see also Glypgiconstext
optional, string, Button Text, eg. "Open"variation
optional, Variation, e.g. Variation.dangeronBeforeRender
new since 2021/07
A function which will be executed before rendering a button (per row). This function allows you to customize the button per row. See example at the bottom of this page
Please note
The .addLink()
method (see here) has a prompt parameter which, if set, automatically displays a confirmation prompt.
This .addButton()
method does not have a prompt parameter. But you can show the alert or confirmation prompt in your code - if required.
- Add button named "My function"
with icon "glyphicon-flash" - On click
- get last name
- get first name
- concatenate a text
- show alert
// file: hooks/patients-tv.js jQuery(function () { var tv = AppGiniHelper.TV; tv.addButton(function (id) { var last_name = tv.getValue(id, "last_name"); var first_name = tv.getValue(id, "first_name"); var text = "Clicked item #" + id + ": " + last_name + ", " + first_name; customAlert(text); }, "flash", "My function"); });

See also
Example for onBeforeRender
Using a callback function as 5th parameter you can modify the button per row. You can even skip rendering a button if this is not required in specific rows.
AppGiniHelper.TV.addButton( function (id, data) { } , "shopping-cart" , "Kaufoptionen" , Variation.default , function (id, data) { // your code here console.log(id); console.log(data); data.text = "text"; // custom text for this row data.icon = "cog"; // custom icon for this row data.variation = Variation.primary; // custom variation for this row data.skip = false; // when skip=true the button will NOT be rendered } );
I recommend console.log(data)
to see all available options
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