Quickie: Fix Button-Height-Bug of Lock-Button in Detail View (DV)

Perhaps you have already seen that the height of the “Lock”-button in the Detail View is smaller than the height of the “Save”-button next to it. With a little CSS trick, which I show here, you can fix the display-bug. Problem Reason This is not related to AppGini but to the Bootstrap CSS framework. The reason is that buttons without text are obviously displayed smaller than buttons with text. We can simply check this by adding any text to the button in development tools of our browser. Solution Unfortunately, we cannot simply change the AppGini generated code itself. Maybe BigProf …

Quickie: More space for content in Custom Pages

Custom pages are a great way to add any content to your app. If you have ever created your own custom pages, you may have noticed that quite a lot of space is wasted to the left and to the right of the actual content: Do you see the useless margins? In this case, the content is even too wide for the content-container and a scrollbar appears at the bottom. That doesn’t have to be! With a simple trick you can widen the usable area. Just place that script in your custom page: This gives you smaller margins on the …