Quickie: More space for content in Custom Pages

Custom pages are a great way to add any content to your app. If you have ever created your own custom pages, you may have noticed that quite a lot of space is wasted to the left and to the right of the actual content: Do you see the useless margins? In this case, the content is even too wide for the content-container and a scrollbar appears at the bottom. That doesn’t have to be! With a simple trick you can widen the usable area. Just place that script in your custom page: This gives you smaller margins on the …

Idea: Inject Child-Records into Table View

This idea came into my mind when I wanted to show additional information for records right inside the table view: The toggle-button opens a panel below the record, showing all configured subtables. This renders sub-tables for all configured tables right inside the table view just below each recod: I can realize this by configuring Children-Records in my AppGini project as usual… …and by adding a few lines of code to my hooks/TABLENAME-tv.js… See it in action This has to be tested more accurately. I consider adding it to some future version of AppGini Helper Javascript Library if there is more …

Convert input into Calculator

I often use numeric fields for prices, taxes, etc. And often I use the Windows Calculator for side-calculations, for example, for converting from net to gross, from gross to net, for calculating VAT or for calculating discounts. With my new AppGini Calculator Component I am able to run side-calculations directly in my AppGini Detail View Form. Example Take a look at this part of my Orders Detail View. There is a subtotal field which is just numeric input by default. Parameter subtotal is the name of the field. After reloading the page there is a button now which will will …

Styling a Table View: a step-by-step example

After we took care of the styling of the Detail View last time, today I will adapt the corresponding Table View. Initial situation Remove links First I would like to remove the links so that the values in the table are shown as text, not as a link. I could and should have done this already during modelling, but I did not. So I have to do it in AppGini – field by field. Then save and regenerate. Except the file link (download) there are now only values in the table. If I want to open a record, I need …

Styling a Detail View: a step-by-step example

Today I am going to take you on a trip from a default, generated detail view to a UI-modified detail view using the latest version of our AppGini Helper Javascript Library (which is 2020/10/26). Follow me! Start This is the default generated attachments detail view form (DV) with a couple of fields for uploading PDF files: Schema I’m using the following data model for this attachments table: attachments idprimary key task_idlookup tasks-table filefield for uploading pdf files filenamewill be filled automatically on insert descriptiontextare for descibing or tagging this file created_on created_by modified_on modified_by Create hooks file Create a new …

Quickie: Change values in table cells

In a table I have a calculated field that result in either 0 or 1. When scrolling down, because of the mass of data it is hard to see where the differences are. With a small javascript function I can change the values and highlight differences better. I show the result and the javascript code needed for it. Standard Table View Modified with only little code Standard Table View I have blurred out confidential data which is not relevant for this sample Did YOU notice the records having is_expired == 1? Modified Table View Check for yourself if you can …

Formatting numbers in SQL, PHP, JS

As a web developer, some tasks keep coming up. And every time you look for the solution in the online documentation. This includes converting numbers into different formats. On this page we summarize the elementary number conversions for SQL, PHP and Javascript How to read this page If your have an INPUT like “1234.999” and you’d like to convert in into an OUTPUT like “1.235,00” using language SQL or PHP or Javascript your can use the code shown here as a starting point. Standard number conversion Input 1234.999 MySQL/MariaDB PHP Javascript Output 1,234.999 Attention: Rounding Input 1234.999 MySQL/MariaDB PHP Javascript …