Upcoming: Hide Fields in Detail View

We all know the toggle button in Table View which allows users to hide/show columns according to their needs. Wouldn't it be fine to have such a button in Detail View? Well, stay tuned, I am going to introduce a new feature of upcoming version of our AppGini Helper Javascript Library.

You all know the possibility of hiding columns in the Table View. The selection is saved in the browser of the respective user.

This saves us developers a lot of work, because we don't have to code different views of the table for different groups, but the users can arrange it individually.

Now I thought it would be nice to have the same possibility in Detail View. And here I present the first, fully functional version:

This button in top-right corner of Detail View looks simular to the Table Views' toggle-button. Let's click the button:

(Almost) all field names are listed, plus a search field at the top left and buttons at the bottom to select all fields, deselect all fields and close this panel.

Please don't be confused by the strange field names. It's just a table with different fields and data types that I like to use for testing.

Watch the video. I show you different combinations. When clicking on the fields in the toggle panel at the top, note that the fields below are immediately hidden or shown.

The status per field is automatically saved and restored when the detail view is reloaded or opened later.

Now let's look at the search function and the buttons:

The two buttons "Show all fields" and "Hide all fields" apply to the visible fields, listed above.

You can use the filter (search-input) for filtering fields by caption. Clicking on one of the two buttons only changes the visible fields that remained visible when filtering.

Mandatory fields are not shown here because it makes no sense to hide them. They are needed at least when creating and saving. It would irritate users if saving failed and the validation message box complained about missing entries even though all visible fields were filled. Therefore, we skip mandatory fields in this toggle functionality.

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