How to add a button for adding subitems to every row of table view

Adding buttons and adding links to a table view has been described in the docs. By using the %ID% placeholer you can use the record’s primary key as parameter for links. For example for opening the record in detail view. In this article we are going to use the %ID% parameter for adding a sub-item (child record / detail record) to the row. The Online Clinical Management System (OCMS), which I’m using in many examples, contains patients and appointments. Appointments are stored in a table named events. And the column name_patient has been configured as lookup field refering patients table. …

How to: re-use multi-row Batch Actions for single table rows

With Batch Actions you can execute a javascript function for all selected rows in a Table View. In this step-by-step guide I am going to show, how add a button to every table view row and execute an existing batch action on button click for that specific row. The following video show the possibilities you have with Batch Actions and additional buttons per row: Illustration If you already have a working batch action script integrated in your TABLENAME-tv.js file, you can skip steps 1 and 2 and directly head over to step 3. Step 1: Create Batch Action javascript function …