Our AppGiniHelper JavaScript Library contains features to easily customize the user interface of your AppGini applications. For example, you can adjust the layout of input forms, hide fields or add additional buttons at runtime. Many commands can be implemented with just a single line of code and thus are easy to understand and utilise even for beginners with little or no knowledge of coding.
Increase productivity with easy-to-use input forms by grouping fields, inserting headings and additional hints, or through additional buttons in the table views or input screens.
Benefit from the numerous layout functions and give your clients a modern user-friendly experience.
Ordering FAQ
Payment methods We accept all popular payment methods and more than 20 currencies worldwide. The ordering process has been translated into more than 15 languages. Limited domains? We think it is fair if big companies, selling their solutions to many customers or providing SaaS for many customers, have to pay more than private users, single-person...
Step-By-Step Example
Moved here, please update your bookmarks In this full example we will explain changing a certain detail view step by step. 1. Prerequisites Library file download the purchased library file AppGiniHelper.min.js and copy it into the hooks directory of your generated application. Table: patients model in AppGini If your tablename is patients there will be a file named hooks/patients.php. patients file in...
Get started
You will learn how to integrate the library into your AppGini project and do the first changes.
Please note:AppGini provides so called hooks for changing headers, footers and contents of detail views and table views. There is no hook-support for Admin-Area. Therefore, all features shown here refer to the so called User's Area, not to the so called Admin-Area. We are moving the whoe documentation from here to a new place. This...
FAQ (and not-so-FAQ)
Download Download-Problems using Microsoft Edge On trying to download using Microsoft Edge browser I get warnings – […] – also it won’t let me download/save etc. […] Depending on your settings and policies Microsoft Edge might deny the download of javascript-files (extension: .js). This is not related to AppGini Helper Library but to your browser-...