Highlight: Styled buttons and additional buttons in children tab of detail view

Today I would like to present an idea that I can definitely use in my own projects: additional buttons in children tab tables. Yes, buttons for the tables at the bottom of detail views. Problem I don’t know about you, folks, but I personally don’t really like the button to open a child record in a modal window especially for UI and UX reasons. The button is differently styled than other buttons and is not configurable. Furthermore, there are always situations in which I would like to open the record NOT in modal dialog, but in the same window. I …

BUG: dv.getActionButtons() with AppGini v5.9x

This bug affects appgini version 5.90 and 5.91. When creating additional buttons in Detail View (DV) using addGroup + addLink / addButton (seee docs here) there is a duplication of the new AppGini Previous / Next buttons: This happens as soon as you are calling dv.getActionButtons() or dv.ActionButtons. Reason AppGini places Previous/Next buttons in div.btn-toolbar. The function call dv.getActionButtons() creates another div.btn-toolbar as a container for additional custom buttons. This means if there is more then one div.btn-toolbar, those buttons will be appended more than once. Solution This bug shall be fixed in upcoming AppGini version 5.92 Workarounds Alternative (1):Code …

Quickie: Insert heading above (children-) tabs

Just a short script-fragment. A customer asked for a heading above children tabs. There is not much to do, and nothing complicated. Just add the following code to your hooks/TABLENAME-dv.js file and change the text between <h1> and </h1>. Code Result Tip: do not insert headline in insert-mode If you do not want to see it in insert-mode, just check if we are in insert-mode or not. Using our AppGini Helper Javascript Library there is a useful function isInsert() for this: Note the exclamation mark “!” right before dv.isInsert() function call: The exclamation mark means logical not. If it is …

Quickie: Change values in table cells

In a table I have a calculated field that result in either 0 or 1. When scrolling down, because of the mass of data it is hard to see where the differences are. With a small javascript function I can change the values and highlight differences better. I show the result and the javascript code needed for it. Standard Table View Modified with only little code Standard Table View I have blurred out confidential data which is not relevant for this sample Did YOU notice the records having is_expired == 1? Modified Table View Check for yourself if you can …

Highlight: WordPress integration

For an upcoming project we plan to integrate data from an AppGini application into a WordPress page. I am currently creating a prototype to determine the feasibility. Components On the one hand, we need a configurable WordPress plugin that retrieves the data. On the other hand we need a counterpart on AppGini side, which provides the data. WordPress output This is what the first results look like. Please note that I have not made the result list prettier yet. More CSS styling is still required here. It is just the first draft: This is a WordPress installation on localhost. The …