Styling a Table View: a step-by-step example

After we took care of the styling of the Detail View last time, today I will adapt the corresponding Table View. Initial situation Remove links First I would like to remove the links so that the values in the table are shown as text, not as a link. I could and should have done this already during modelling, but I did not. So I have to do it in AppGini – field by field. Then save and regenerate. Except the file link (download) there are now only values in the table. If I want to open a record, I need …

Styling a Detail View: a step-by-step example

Today I am going to take you on a trip from a default, generated detail view to a UI-modified detail view using the latest version of our AppGini Helper Javascript Library (which is 2020/10/26). Follow me! Start This is the default generated attachments detail view form (DV) with a couple of fields for uploading PDF files: Schema I’m using the following data model for this attachments table: attachments idprimary key task_idlookup tasks-table filefield for uploading pdf files filenamewill be filled automatically on insert descriptiontextare for descibing or tagging this file created_on created_by modified_on modified_by Create hooks file Create a new …

Highlight: Styled buttons and additional buttons in children tab of detail view

Today I would like to present an idea that I can definitely use in my own projects: additional buttons in children tab tables. Yes, buttons for the tables at the bottom of detail views. Problem I don’t know about you, folks, but I personally don’t really like the button to open a child record in a modal window especially for UI and UX reasons. The button is differently styled than other buttons and is not configurable. Furthermore, there are always situations in which I would like to open the record NOT in modal dialog, but in the same window. I …

BUG: dv.getActionButtons() with AppGini v5.9x

This bug affects appgini version 5.90 and 5.91. When creating additional buttons in Detail View (DV) using addGroup + addLink / addButton (seee docs here) there is a duplication of the new AppGini Previous / Next buttons: This happens as soon as you are calling dv.getActionButtons() or dv.ActionButtons. Reason AppGini places Previous/Next buttons in div.btn-toolbar. The function call dv.getActionButtons() creates another div.btn-toolbar as a container for additional custom buttons. This means if there is more then one div.btn-toolbar, those buttons will be appended more than once. Solution This bug shall be fixed in upcoming AppGini version 5.92 Workarounds Alternative (1):Code …