Step-by-Step: Using SMTP for sending mails

Looking around the forum, I see that many users are having problems setting up and sending emails via SMTP. Isolated tips sometimes do NOT lead to success. Here I provide a structured step-by-step guide. Step 1: Configure SMTP 1.1 Login as administrator 1.2 Enter Admin-Area 1.3 Open Utilities menu and go to Admin Settings 1.4 Scroll down to email settings and enter the credentials your provider has given to you Important Check SMTP option. Don’t play around right now.Just use the settings your provider has given to you for now. 1.5 Save changes Step 2: Test SMTP in Admin Area …

Highlight (Showcase/Idea): Tile View

In most data-centric scenarios the tabular view is very suitable. There are use cases where I would like to have a tiled view. Even better would be if the user could choose. For some time now I have been programming something like this as an extension to AppGini. This is the current state I would like to show you. Please give me feedback what you think and if you are interested in such an extension. Card contents In this tile view i don’t want to see all columns, but only certain data. I also want to modify the display, for …

Styling a Table View: a step-by-step example

After we took care of the styling of the Detail View last time, today I will adapt the corresponding Table View. Initial situation Remove links First I would like to remove the links so that the values in the table are shown as text, not as a link. I could and should have done this already during modelling, but I did not. So I have to do it in AppGini – field by field. Then save and regenerate. Except the file link (download) there are now only values in the table. If I want to open a record, I need …

Styling a Detail View: a step-by-step example

Today I am going to take you on a trip from a default, generated detail view to a UI-modified detail view using the latest version of our AppGini Helper Javascript Library (which is 2020/10/26). Follow me! Start This is the default generated attachments detail view form (DV) with a couple of fields for uploading PDF files: Schema I’m using the following data model for this attachments table: attachments idprimary key task_idlookup tasks-table filefield for uploading pdf files filenamewill be filled automatically on insert descriptiontextare for descibing or tagging this file created_on created_by modified_on modified_by Create hooks file Create a new …

Highlight: Styled buttons and additional buttons in children tab of detail view

Today I would like to present an idea that I can definitely use in my own projects: additional buttons in children tab tables. Yes, buttons for the tables at the bottom of detail views. Problem I don’t know about you, folks, but I personally don’t really like the button to open a child record in a modal window especially for UI and UX reasons. The button is differently styled than other buttons and is not configurable. Furthermore, there are always situations in which I would like to open the record NOT in modal dialog, but in the same window. I …

BUG: dv.getActionButtons() with AppGini v5.9x

This bug affects appgini version 5.90 and 5.91. When creating additional buttons in Detail View (DV) using addGroup + addLink / addButton (seee docs here) there is a duplication of the new AppGini Previous / Next buttons: This happens as soon as you are calling dv.getActionButtons() or dv.ActionButtons. Reason AppGini places Previous/Next buttons in div.btn-toolbar. The function call dv.getActionButtons() creates another div.btn-toolbar as a container for additional custom buttons. This means if there is more then one div.btn-toolbar, those buttons will be appended more than once. Solution This bug shall be fixed in upcoming AppGini version 5.92 Workarounds Alternative (1):Code …

Quickie: Insert heading above (children-) tabs

Just a short script-fragment. A customer asked for a heading above children tabs. There is not much to do, and nothing complicated. Just add the following code to your hooks/TABLENAME-dv.js file and change the text between <h1> and </h1>. Code Result Tip: do not insert headline in insert-mode If you do not want to see it in insert-mode, just check if we are in insert-mode or not. Using our AppGini Helper Javascript Library there is a useful function isInsert() for this: Note the exclamation mark “!” right before dv.isInsert() function call: The exclamation mark means logical not. If it is …

Quickie: Change values in table cells

In a table I have a calculated field that result in either 0 or 1. When scrolling down, because of the mass of data it is hard to see where the differences are. With a small javascript function I can change the values and highlight differences better. I show the result and the javascript code needed for it. Standard Table View Modified with only little code Standard Table View I have blurred out confidential data which is not relevant for this sample Did YOU notice the records having is_expired == 1? Modified Table View Check for yourself if you can …