AppGini 5.82: New Preview function after generation

One of the new features is the Preview function. This allows you to open up the default browser and load the generated app with one click after generation of code. Step 1: Update AppGini If you don’t already have, please update AppGini to version 5.82. After installation, start AppGini and check if you are using the latest version: Close the About-form. Step 2: Configure localhost Now open Preferences in AppGini: Now set the Document root value and the Base URL value. Document root is the directory name of your webserver’s root directory. Base URL ist the base address which is …

How to: Default-value hack for more flexibility (Part 2)

In Part 1 we have seen how to change a value on inserting a new record. Now we are going to change multiple values at once using the same technique. Part 1: Technique + Changing single fields Part 2: Changing multiple fields at once Step 1 and Step 2 Pease follow Step1 and Step 2 from Part 1 of this tutorial. Step 3: Define fieldnames and values A good way for defining multiple fieldname+value tuples in PHP is by using associative arrays: A shorter variant: Please note the assignment operator => between key and value! From my own experience, sometimes …

How to: Default-value hack for more flexibility (Part 1)

AppGini offers several ways for defining static or dynamic default values for new records. Sometimes there is need for more flexibility. In this tutorial I am going to show a small PHP hack which will allow you to define default values on output fields dynamically in a very flexible way. Part 1: Technique + Changing single fields Part 2: Changing multiple fields at once Built in options Static default values If you need static initial values (default values) for new records in AppGini tables you can use the Default property in AppGini when modeling a column. Dynamic default values There …

How to: Optimize layout of detail views by using tabs and inlining

In a new project there is a table for storing tasks. Next to information like “Subject” or “Due date” we store date time values for… When did the creator assign the task to an employee When did the assignee start working on that task When did the assignee finish the task Later on we can use those datetime values for calculating average runtimes. Im showing the steps I took to optimize the user interface by using AppGini Helper JavaScript library functions. Start: Default generated form This is the default tasks detail view form. All fields have been aligned vertically. Step …